External Links
Dave Farrow/Robin Chittenden/Isoperla ‘BirdSongID’ App. for Iphone, featuring over 70 species of British Birds with sound recordings by Dave Farrow & photos by Robin Chittenden
Dave Farrow’s BirdSongId – iPhone App store
or at
Isoperla’s BirdSongId iPhone App
Xeno-canto Asia Here you can find sounds of most bird species. I have a few hundred recordings posted on this site 🙂
Kumiko Farrow’s Japanese Interior Design The best Japanese Interior Designer for hundreds of miles, surely!
Birdquest The best way to go birding!
Oriental Bird Images A large collection of Bird photos from the Oriental region
The last voyage of MV Lady Chilel Jawara: 7th December 1984 – my first-hand account of a ‘boating mishap’.
Wild ventures The site of Ramki Sreenivasan, who took the photo of Gould’s Shortwing that I borrowed for my logo.Some great photographs here
Birdline East Anglia Robin Chittenden’s local wildlife news site
Punkbirder Good for what ails yer!