An afternoon visit to Breydon to coincide with the high tide wader roost which resulted in some great views of raptors stirring everything up. I arrived to find a swirling mass of waders in the air, and setting eyes on a Falcon tearing through the air I expected Peregrine, yet it turned out to be an adult Hobby that clearly thought it was able could catch some wader prey instead of its typical dragonfly snacks. It caught nothing, yet twice it shot around the saltmarsh, reshuffling the pack and scaring off any small waders that might be lurking! A real Peregrine appeared a short while later, stood on the mud before confidently headed elsewhere, and a juvenile Merlin appeared on a post just in front of the hide. Hard to digiscope due to the stiff south-westerly, pictures weren’t so great
Apart from the carnivores, there were 5 Spotted Redshank, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, and nice views of hundreds of commoner waders.
News came of a Snow Bunting at UEA, (just 1000m from home!), so I headed back to town and found this little beauty eating dandelion seeds on a tiny lawn between the crags of the new blocks there. How odd!